March 8, 2015
Paleo Fried Bananas
I recently visited the beautiful island of Puerto Rico. While I was there, I tried to eat only authentic foods because, well, when in Rome.....
June 30, 2014
#100happyandhealthydays Challenge
Can you live a happy and healthy lifestyle for 100 consecutive days? We live in a crazy busy world and sometimes it's hard to do somethi...
April 14, 2014
Pre-workout vs. Post-workout Supplements
During my time at the gym, I've noticed that there are three types of people- the pre-workout muscle heads, the post-workout junkies...
April 8, 2014
The Zone Diet: A Brief Overview
Let me start by saying that I THINK I may have heard of this a year or so ago. But I have recently started talking about it with some chicks...
March 28, 2014
My New Kitchen Toy: The NutriBullet
I love getting new kitchen gadgets! For Christmas my parents got me the Nutribullet. So far I have made mostly green smoothies, because I LO...
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