October 14, 2013

Week 4: Eating Right During Football Season

Sticking to your goals and eating right during Football Season is just as hard as sticking to your goals during the Holidays. Realizing that the two events are essentially one-in-the-same (Football lasts through February), can be enough to make you want to give up. So all that you can do to survive the winter is to PLAN! That's right, you'll actually have to think about what you're going to eat and shop BEFORE. Because you know that if you don't have anything 'healthy' to eat and your friends come by and want to order pizza and wings that you are more than likely just going to go with the flow. By preparing you can save yourself a lot of regret... and calories!

First off, let me start by saying that I LOVE to eat. I am in a relationship with an Italian and his family likes that about me - LOL. But when I say that I LOVE to eat, what I'm getting at is that I'm not a 'salad for dinner' kind of girl. I won't say that I've never done it, but I try to avoid that wholeheartedly and leave the salads for lunchtime. When I started thinking of football-friendly food, I just thought about what I actually like and then tried to think of healthier alternatives to those traditional carb-battered, cheese-stuffed, fried and buttery foods.

This is what I came up with:
  •  Buffalo Wings - Baked 
    • These are great, however they ended up having the consistency of a rotisserie chicken. Not what I was craving but still delicious. Mike and I decided that in order to get these how we envisioned that we would need to grill them.
  • Bacon Wrapped Chicken Bites
    • I have made these before & they are divine, as well as super easy!
  • Sweet Potato Fries
    • Sometimes it’s best to cook them longer if you like a little crisp; just be sure to monitor them.
  • Shrimp Cocktail
    • Does this need an explanation?
  • Chips, Salsa & Guacamole or Veggies and Dip
    • If you like to stick to regular tortilla chips, I recommend either making your own or going for organic and low sodium options at the super market. However, I am currently stuck on Trader Joes' plantain chips. The only ingredients are plantains, sunflower oil and sea salt. Must try!!!
    • Make your own guacamole and salsa. It's not that hard and will be oh-so-worth it!
    • I dip my veggies in guacamole instead of typical vegetable dip (ranch). It's tasty and much better for you (good fats and no dairy).
  • Chili
    • Chili doesn’t have to be Paleo to be healthy. But since I’m on the LuRong Challenge, this is what I’m making. And I love it because it's great for leftovers!

     Now for my weekly WOD update from the LuRong Living Paleo Challenge.

    WOD #5
    Ascending and Descending Ladder – 15 min. time cap
    Level II – #65 Snatch, Unassisted Pull-ups, 16 in. Box and #35 Kettle Bell

    ·        Power Snatch
    ·        Pull-ups
    ·        Box Jumps
    ·        Kettle Bell Swings
    ·        Box Jumps
    ·        Pull-ups
    ·        Power Snatch

    Completed: 13:31

    This was the first LuRong WOD that I had to do level II for. I was so irritated about the 16 in. box and I hated that I couldn’t lift an #80 snatch from ground to overhead. My Box worked out shoulders the day before we did this WOD, and I think that wasn’t our smartest move. I was okay with my time, overall, and now I know that my weaknesses are currently stringing together pull-ups and anything over #65 for snatches. Always room to grow!

    Have a great week and happy Monday, y'all!


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