October 25, 2013

The Top 10 Tips for Weight Loss

Losing weight in a healthy way is a common topic among men and women, alike. What should you eat? Do you need to exercise? These are common questions in regards to weight loss. The thing that many people tend to forget is that being 'healthy' is not just something that you should do for four weeks.  Actually being in good health is something that needs to be taken on as your way of life.

In order to be successful with weight loss or maintaining a healthy weight, you should try to follow these ten "rules."

  1. It's a lifestyle, not a diet.
    • If you think of eating healthy foods as something short-term, then you are ultimately setting yourself up for failure. This is not just a short-term fix, it needs to be a way of life.
  2. Organization is key.
    • Like most things in life, organization and structure are the keys to success. Having a schedule and a structure for your life will give you a schedule and structure for your eating.
  3. Limit your portions.
    • Check out the serving sizes on the foods that you are eating. You may be surprised to discover that you are actually eating several portions when you thought you were just eating one. Portion control is necessary for loosing weight.
  4. You don't have to clean your plate.
    • Don't be a compulsive eater. Just stop eating when you're full- it's that easy.
  5. Don't deprive yourself.
    • If you're hungry, eat. If you feel like you've already had a lot of calories, try filling yourself up with veggies. They are low calorie and nutrient dense. Snacking throughout the day on things like trail mix and veggies and drinking plenty of water will help your metabolism in check but also keep you feeling satisfied and suppress your need to binge.
  6. Eat slowly.
    • Eating more slowly will allow you to appreciate the food more and actually feel full sooner.
  7. Enjoy your food.
    • Just because you're eating healthy doesn't mean that you can't enjoy your food. Think about the foods that you love and then try to incorporate them into your healthy lifestyle. Love buffalo wings? Try baking or grilling them at home instead of buying the fried and greasy ones out somewhere.
  8. Move your body!
    • Exercise and diet go hand-in-hand. You can lose weight with just a strict diet, but you'll feel great if you're working out, too!
  9. Rest and recover.
    • Have a regular sleeping pattern and get your required 6-9 hours of sleep per night. This will help regulate your metabolism! Also, listen to your body. If you've worked out two days in a row and feel like you've been hit by a mac truck, then day three should be your rest day.
  10. Love yourself.
    • Figure out what inspires you to be the best version of yourself and do it- 110%! Love yourself enough to take care of yourself, inside and out.

I hope these tips helped! Do you have anything that you would add or take away from this list?


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