November 13, 2013

The Journey is Over... For Now.

I am super excited to announce that the 2013 LuRong Living Paleo Challenge is finally over. Two months seemed to drag on but I'm glad that I participated and I am a better person because of it. In the end, I improved on my WOD times, lost some inches and pounds and actually gained .3 inches in my arms! To some that may not be good, but for this noodle-armed gal that equals new muscle! My body fat percentage also went down. This challenge got me back on track and I am going to try to implement many of the lessons that I learned to my every-day life. Some of those being-
  1. Limiting my sugar intake.
    • I still plan on having my coffee without sugar, limiting sweets & avoiding added sugars.
  2. Decreasing the amount of alcohol that I drink.
    • I really enjoy beer and wine. But instead of drinking a couple a night, I will limit myself to one drink during the week days (not necessarily every day) and a two drink max on the weekends.
  3. Limiting my caffeine.
    • I will try to stick to one caffeinated beverage per day, no more.
  4. Eating more frequently.
    • Instead of eating three meals a day, I am going to continue to shoot for 4-5 per day to keep my metabolism happy... and myself ;)
  5. Having a veggie, protein and good fat at every meal.
    • Snacks will just be one or two of those categories.
That being said, there have also been some other changes and journeys that have ended for me recently. This past week, my boyfriend of 6+ years decided that he needed some space to figure out what he wants for his future. After being "on my own" since I was 18, I am now living back with my parents so I can figure out what my next steps will be. My short-term goals are now to just focus on myself and my relationships- friends & family. I am not going to wallow and be depressed. I am thankful and lucky to be surrounded by people that love me and to have my furry child, Ruca, still with me. While living with my parents, I am going to try to get them back on track with their diets and have some fun with it. I am going to continue to cook most nights and get them to try some new things. The biggest challenge with this will be my younger sister, who is in 7th grade, is incredibly picky. The other morning she  ate a Nutella sandwich.. for breakfast! I couldn't believe it. She also now weighs as much as I do and I want to get her on track so she doesn't end up affecting her health any more. Any suggestions on getting kids back on track and eating healthy?

Now that I am living back on the family farm, internet is tricky. So that could mean less posts than planned. On the flip side, this situation could also mean that I will have more time on my hands and that I will be posting more. So until I get my routine down again, please be patient.

I love you all and appreciate your support.


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