January 2, 2014

New Year, New Beginnings

I know that everyone claims that they're going to be a new version of themselves on Jan. 1 of the new year. The difference between me and them though is that I literally will have different things going on in my life for 2014 that will ensure that this happens. New Address. "New" Relationship. New Goals. If you've been following along, you know that I have had some major changes in my life over the past couple of months. I feel like because of these changes, I have a new and fresh outlook on life and on the year to come.
10 things that I learned in 2013:
  1. You cannot predict your future.
  2. You cannot change anyone.
  3. Your body is capable of far more than you ever thought.
  4. Sleep and a good laugh cures everything.
  5. Your attitude about a situation can be the difference between an ordeal and an adventure.
  6. Always have a life outside your relationships- your own friends, your own hobbies, your own goals.
  7. SAVE while you can. No matter how much money you make or how many bills you have, SAVE whatever you can. Because you WILL need it.
  8. Never underestimate the love and strength of your family.
  9. Set goals and actually accomplish them. It's the best feeling in the world to know that you did.
  10. Live each day in the moment. It's okay to plan for the future, but don't get so caught up in it that you forget to cherish the present.
That being said, for this new year I have some new goals to accomplish. Many people think that "New Year's Resolutions" are something that you talk about, attempt for a month or two and then you go right back to your old ways. That could be true for some, but ya gotta start somewhere and those couple of months could be the start to a beautiful thing. January 2013 I set goals for myself and I accomplished them, so it IS possible. I wanted to be the most fit version of myself and to land a "big girl" job. Both of which, I did. This year however, I have more goals to set & to challenge myself with. 
  1. This year I want to be 80% Paleo, all the time. For me this means no more week + long binges after eating damn near perfectly for a month or two. But to be realistic, eating 80% Paleo means eating mostly perfect with a cheat day or meal every week. Practically is key to actually accomplishing your goals.
  2. I want to compete in 1 CrossFit competition this year. I did one last year and it was a blast. Super stressful and definitely challenging, but fun. I want that feeling again. But this time, I'll actually train and prepare before.
  3. I want to get my savings in check. That means 2-6 months of monthly living expenses and a $1,000 emergency fund. It will happen. I just paid off my credit card in December and plan on keeping it that way!
  4. I want to spend more time doing things that I love. Whether that's reading books, cooking, shooting guns, or just spending time with my friends, family. Mike & Ruca.
  5. I want to learn something new. I have recently thought about pursuing a new instrument. I have played several instruments over the years and never really stuck with one to get "good." I have entertained the idea of learning to play the banjo. Before you think that's crazy, which maybe it is, I LOVE the sounds of the banjo. I like the idea of playing something unique and making it work with modern-day songs.
A new year is like a Monday, only better. It gives you a chance to feel fresh and rejuvenated and to make those lifestyle changes that you've been thinking about. If you drink a couple of sodas a day, don't make your goal to cut soda completely because the odds are that you won't stick to it. Start with smaller steps and try cutting it down to 1/2 of what you normally consume. Then you'll be more likely to reach your goal and it will make you feel better/more positive.
I hope everyone had a great holiday season and that you start the new year off with good health and a happy heart. Let's kick this year's ass! :)

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