September 25, 2013

Week 1 : Getting Down to Business

**First off, I want to apologize that this is a couple of days late!

Week 1 of the LuRong Living Paleo Challenge has come to a close. With the exception of my 1 meal cheat [darn Mike's bday (;] I am staying on top! At my box, we completed WOD #2 of the LuRong Challenge benchmarks and had our measurements taken.

My Measurements

  • Waist- 28
  • Hip- 38
  • Chest- 29
  • Right Thigh- 20
  • Left Thigh- 21 [apparently having different size thighs, IS normal]
  • Right Upper Arm- 10
  • Left Upper Arm- 10
  • Weight- 133lbs
  • Body Fat- 20.6
My goal is to lose a couple of pounds and maybe an inch or two in my hips and waist. Stay tuned! Also, I have a full physical scheduled for mid-October and will be interested to see if after a year of CrossFit & 75% Paleo eating, and 1 month of the Paleo Challenge, if my blood work will be any different.

LuRong Challenge Wod #2
100 Burpees and 100 Kettlebell Swings; 12 min. time cap - broken up how ever you choose
  • Completed Reps- 67
  • Time (add on 1 sec for each incomplete rep)- 12:33
  • This SUCKED. I am not fast at burpees, so if I thought this out better instead of doing sets of 10, I would have tried to get out as many kettlebell swings as possible. But.. I didn't. Maybe 'next time.'

Just so you know

Every Day I take several different vitamins- calcium, vitamin C, fish oil, biotin and iron. I generally eat a pretty solid diet and just use these extra vitamins to supplement vitamins that are important to me. I'm not opposed to multi-vitamins. I just like my current concoction (;

Also, I eat a LOT of eggs. My parents have a small farm with some chickens and I have an unlimited supply of fresh farm eggs. When they got chickens several years ago, I was a little weirded out by the difference from fresh farm eggs and store bought eggs; even the organic ones. Fresh eggs have very vibrant-colored yellow yokes with more distinct taste. It makes me wonder why store bought eggs have grey-ish yokes, in comparison, and don't taste as strong.

I also use a post workout supplement called AfterGlow. My box sells it and pretty much every athlete there takes it. I use 1 scoop, which is recommended for women, mixed with water after any intense workout within a 30 minute window (aka: The anabolic window)

Favorite Recipe of the Week: Green Smoothie, Paleo Style


  • 1 c. frozen fruit
  • 1/2 c. - 1 c. coconut milk, unsweetened
  • Handful of spinach (or anything green & leafy)
  • Dash of cinnamon
  • 1 scoop of vanilla protein powder (I use whey, and you could add 2 scoops)
  • Flax Seed Oil (You could also use Coconut Oil, or any other good fatty oil)
Then blend it all together and drink up! This is a great on-the-go kind of breakfast that really only takes 5 minutes to throw together, blend and serve!

xox Jessica

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