September 28, 2013

Week 2: Healthy Doesn't Have to be Complicated

This picture was taken September 8, 2013 at Bend the Bar Hampton Roads 
during Workout #1- 65 lb. snatches and burpee box jumps. 
 I thought it looked pretty neat (:

Week two is coming to a close and this week wasn't any easier than the last. This week was my baby sister's birthday and I ate out several times, so I was really tested! I did cheat, again, on one meal this week and that was at my sister's birthday party. Now I need to focus on NOT cheating for a couple of weeks... I CAN DO THIS!

My gym completed WOD #1 on Monday and WOD #3 on Friday, which I will be making up Sunday morning since I was attending my sister's birthday party that night.

Lurong Challenge WOD #1
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Reps of: 14 lb. Wall Balls, 75 lb. Deadlifts, 20 in. Box Jumps; 18 minute time cap 
  • Completed in 15:03
  • Level III

Favorite recipe of the week: Beef Tenderloin with Brussel Sprouts, Avocado & Salsa

  • Fresh Brussel Sprouts
  • 1 - 1.5 pound Beef Tenderloin
  • Organic Salsa or Pico de Gallo
  • 1 Avocado 
  • Coconut Oil
  • Marinade-
    • Olive Oil
    • Red Wine
    • Black Pepper
    • Sea Salt
    • Minced Garlic
    • Paprika
    • Cayenne 
Season meat as desired and let marinade for at least 4 hours. Preheat the oven to 425 degrees F. Wash and then chop Brussel Sprouts in quarters. Place Brussels in a hot skillet with 1 tbsp. of coconut oil on medium-medium high and cover (these will take as long as the meat will, stir occasionally to avoid burning).  Place the Tenderloin into a baking dish that has been coated with coconut oil and place in oven to bake, uncovered for 35-45 minutes, depending on size and desired 'done-ness' (Rare-Well done).

When the Beef and Brussel Sprouts are cooked to how you desire, place the meat on top of a bed of Brussel Sprouts, cut Avocado to put on top and finish with a tablespoon of Salsa- Ta-da! 

This meal was delicious and yet so easy to make. Just remember that with Paleo, meat with a side of veggies is all you really need- You don't have to get fancy if you don't want to!

Well I am off to attend the Old Dominion University football game, my alma-mater. Go Monarchs!!!

xoxo Jessica

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